The families watched in silence. The priest

  • The families watched in silence. The priest continued, "If any person here believes that this fold by 49Faithful and this fold by Slimwhitman should not be joined in Foldy Matrimon
  • y, speak now." A man at the back stood up. "I object. This Foldy Matrimony is a sham. Both 49erFaithful & SlimWhitman have previously folded with a mad woman in the attic called
  • 'Fourfold' Fantine. Foldygamy is against the law." "Not on an iPad!" a woman shouted. Someone hit her on the head with a Droid. A folderol erupted, interrupting the Foldy Matrimony
  • ceremony.The bridesmaids screamed! The groomsmen scattered. The priest folded his hands & prayed for mercy on this Foldy Matrimony. "I've already folded her," the groom admitted.
  • It was a tragedy. The groom had already folded her? "How could this be?" the priest thought. The room quieted as people began to exit.
  • The bride crumpled down to the floor, fanlike, in 10 creases, embarrassed but knowing she had no regrets. "And I folded my groom too!" she cried.The priest made a sign of the cross
  • as well as a miter from a single piece of newspaper. The priest preformed an origami exorcism on the newlyweds. They unfolded from their 2-D dimensional space. The bride screamed
  • "I've married an old codger!" Creased as her spouse was, who could blame her for getting bent out of shape? Her spouse crumpled under her onslaught. "Life is but a paper moon."
  • "Well then maybe you oughta sharpen yer scissors," she quipped. Her husband frowned and seemed upset, yet at the same time slightly puzzled. He continued singing
  • out the contents of the ash tray while she tweaked at his vocal chords with her tweezers. All this to find the right frequency to shatter space shuttle windows for Gaga's trip.


  1. SlimWhitman Dec 02 2013 @ 05:06

    This origamynous story leaves many open questions: Was the ceremony presided over by CrossAndFold? http://foldingstory.com/7auxc/ and what is the connection to the Flat Stanley Trilogy? http://foldingstory.com/b0er7/ http://foldingstory.com/6xy10/ http://foldingstory.com/jloxi/

  2. lucielucie Dec 02 2013 @ 13:55

    I like the name Fourfold Fantine.

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