Her estrous bell rang out for all to hear.

  • Her estrous bell rang out for all to hear. She stuck a thermometer in “there” and wore a Lebron jersey. But no males got the hint. “Perhaps I'll use a gong," she thought aloud near

  • a gong shop. She went inside and said, "Listen, I want to buy a gong that will announce that I am fertile and horny." The shop owner said, "We don't sell gongs that big. We're talk

  • ing about breaking the law here, you get that right?" HA! She loved that. Ballbusting was something her dad taught her when she was 4, and it'd driven her to massacre a man

  • who simply wanted to follow being a faithful provider, loving husband, and model father with a boys night out. But no! She busted his balls so bad that he ended up

  • banishing her from poker night. John had to think of a "reason". That's when he founded Goat Club. Rule #1 was "No Helgas". When he put on the goat horns Helga was secretly amused

  • but still angry he had created such a stupid club for the sole purpose of excluding her. Helga wondered,If John wanted to play around with his friends, why couldn't she come along?

  • He told her she didn't know how to play golf. "I used to practise years ago. Don't you remember?", she replied. He reminded her this was electronic golf now.

  • She felt crushed and conceeded by handing him the club passes and keys. That was another totally unintended consequence but DAMN THAT FELT GOOD! Back then he had been a twat & spre

  • -ad his social diseases among half the city, handing them out like Halloween candy. But he had since changed his ways. He was clean. She knew it. But she still wanted revenge.

  • And he knew it. So he let her do, you know...so that she thought she got it. Only she didn't get it. She got IT. Again. He never returned her frantic phone calls either. Revenge.



  1. SlimWhitman May 13 2017 @ 13:52

    Goat Club for the uninitiated http://foldingstory.com/5bfah/

  2. LordVacuity May 13 2017 @ 15:21

    And she is IT to this day: so don't let her touch you or you will be IT.

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