One fine day in the middle of the night two

  • One fine day in the middle of the night two dead men got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other.
  • The giant dwarf fell down to the sky, his stillborn mother began to cry. His friend who shot him sheathed his sword, and went back to sweeping the flat-bottomed fjord.
  • The shadows fell across my face at noon. I ate my soup with a slotted spoon. I wrote you at letter but you refuse to read. What I want is what you never need.
  • Hungry and tired, I knocked on your door. You were home, I know, but not there anymore. I returned to my spoon with the slotted ladle, shuffling home by myself to my lonely cradle.
  • RockABye Baby in the tree top, when the wind blows the cradle will flop. The baby will fall onto the floor, then she will breakdance! Who could want more! The audience will laugh,
  • cry, and then probably all be arrested for paying to watch baby juggling, which is technically illegal in the State of Ohio, punishable by 30 lashes by a dominatrix. Nonetheless,
  • it would be totally worth it, actually the lashes are more of an incentive for some people, but not me. ; ) So I was watching them juggle the babies and started to chant "more more
  • more more, but I wasn't quite sure what I wanted more of and then I remembered the McDonald's commercial and thought maybe I want more fries. YES, that's it more yummy fries to
  • jam down my mouth," thought Slimer. When the ghost entered the MCDonald's on Third and MLK Blvd. it was being robbed. Slimer
  • finally got his chance to be a hero! So he shouted "I ain't afraid of no hamburglar!" and punch the bad guys up and became a hero and got the key of the city from the mayor.


  1. inatick Feb 05 2013 @ 22:09

    Woohoo! 1006 folds and finally a story I started has finished... I knew it would happen one day. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this happen.

  2. PurpleProf Feb 05 2013 @ 22:11

    Way to go, inatick!!!!

  3. inatick Feb 06 2013 @ 06:13

    Champagne and cake for everyone who comes to my party to celebrate!

  4. SlimWhitman Feb 06 2013 @ 13:04

    icing on the cake: it's one of the rare "rhymer" stories.

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