Fingerman, the Fingerman, Fingerman, the

  • Fingerman, the Fingerman, Fingerman, the Fingerman... He dances, he prances, he points, & accuses. He's sometimes straight, other times crooked. He picks & he grins & he'll tickle

  • your wenis. "Get your finger off of me, Fingerman!" Wristman had had enough finger-waggling for one day, thank you. Fingerman wrestled with Wristman until Thumbelina intervened.

  • Then came some new folks to the party. There was someone who went by the name "Rock," his pals "Scissors," and "Paper." Fingerman, Thumbelina and Wristman were feeling a bit

  • irritated already, when Slappy, Ear-rooter and Goldentrophypicker showed up . But Mr. Hand's party got out of control when Roshambo challenged Rock, Paper & Scissors to a game of

  • Swallow the Swan. Mrs. McGillycuddy got into the Cutty Sark and suggested they transition into a friendly game of prison twister. One thing led to another and by the time the cops

  • got there, they were tangled and laughing like schoolgirls. The cops joined them.

  • Only to join them at the neck using a cattle brace. They crab walked them to the cruiser. Shackled as they were they were unable to match the pace so they shot them both and left.

  • Shackford and Gooch took them in as road kill and cooked them for dinner. Mr. Shackford and Mr. Gooch had a real feast and put the bones in the trash. The shells were saved for

  • Grandma to paint and sell at our roadside stand. Shackford and Gooch decided to open a BBQ stand next to us, and it did improve our traffic for awhile until people started complain

  • that the paint fumes mixed with the BBQ sauce & tasted terrible. So we traded ideas & began to paint with BBQ sauce. It was a hit! We made millions and retired to Cincinnati. Brrr!



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