The Sun is the only thing that makes me happy,

  • The Sun is the only thing that makes me happy, feel it. Its heat is short, when a roof cover its warm light and me back to reality, to the courtyard. After three hours of class.

  • it was time to test our solar powered mosquito destroyer. I placed the flexible solar panels in the courtyard and around the

  • corner came a giant mosquito. It was horrific. It was 8 feet tall, covered in hair, with these giant wings. It stabbed its shining probosis into the neck of my

  • body. "This is the closest I've ever been to a female," I thought as I blacked out from blood loss. I awoke hours later in the giant mosquito's manse. A ring was on my finger

  • , indicating that I passed the test and survived the indoctrination ritual. I was now one of them, one of the elite, one of the gang known as "Death Skeeters." We prepared to swarm

  • upon the dotards who dwell in the park at night, unable to sleep and mistaking lizards for pigeons. What we were not prepared for was the surprising martial skill of these senior

  • Citizens who had grown fur and a tail, becoming cats. That way they were guaranteed nine lives. My grandfather became my Tonkinese female cat, Tzushi. My grandmother was a Siamese.

  • Inexplicably I became a Scottish fold. I looked back further into my family history for a clue to how that came about. I saw Siamese, Burmese, Tonkinese, Persian, and even

  • tomcat blood in our lineage, going back to Great Great Grandfather Morris. This discovery made me feel less guilty about my hobby of trapping mice & snacking on them in school. Mom

  • used to carry me about in her mouth by the scruff of my neck, which always worried the neighbors. Now I finally understood, and never again questioned my copious hairballs.



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