He knew he'd be stuck here on the john for

  • He knew he'd be stuck here on the john for a while, so he picked up a reader's digest. Good thing they write these to be read in the space of an average bowel movement, he thought.

  • It was then that John noticed (his name's irony aside) that all his magazines had been replaced with copies of Dostoevsky novels. "Great," he thought, "I should have

  • brought a "Field and Stream" along. John was an avid hunter. Geese mainly. His phone's ringtone was even a goose call. As he sat in the cramped Porta-potty, his pocket squawked

  • He immediately withdrew his phone and shot it precisely 7 times. "Looks like I found dinner! Right in my pocket, too." John pulled the phone apart and licked his lips.

  • It was stuffed with crab meat!

  • I took a taste and it melted in my mouth. The mixture was awful, so I spit it right out. The spit landed on my couch because I was a slouch. But it turns out crab meat

  • blends in well with my couch cushions. I left it there and felt sorry for the crab. Was this its true purpose in life; to be a spit pool, or had its destiny

  • gotten all messed up like on Fringe or another weird science fiction show with a mad scientist. I wish I was a mad scientist, cause

  • then could build my own personel robot brother named Rufus to hang out with me. He would be

  • so much fun bc he will like to dance and clean for me and i will teach him to say Roll Tide!



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