He collected literature from alternate dimensions.

  • He collected literature from alternate dimensions. He had just aquired Jorge Orwellington's "1985." and placed it beside June Aspen's "Pride and Perceptions." But what he really
  • wanted was Man Drown's "The Da Vinci Road". Apparently a best-seller in the Alpha-9X Dimension. And so Mr. Darcy took to his extra dimension travelling machine, and found himself
  • in the surftronic dimension riding the barrel in a quasar jet of the galactic black hole on an a magnetic entanglement shaped like Mona Lisa's smile.Darcy's Xtradimensional mission
  • ary school was living up to the Chatter. In two more weeks, Darcy would be ordained an Exhibitor and she could be Solarcasted past the Hyperion Moons. She could bring ReligioTech t
  • o the Outside Areas. Those outlaw planets that many had visited but few had returned. Those that did told of horrible Evils. Darcy planned exorcisms with a combination of
  • rutabaga and cilantro, but Fuego warned him, placing his third arm on Darcy's back, that the evils of the outlaw planets were the evils of sapient races. They stocked the rocket
  • With spices and launched them towards the outlaws. They were delicious but anyone who consumed them would have violent muscle spasms for weeks.
  • I decided to eat some, and suddenly everything turned black. According to my friends, I danced around for about three days before finally plopping to the ground and waking up.
  • I woke up when I damn well wanted to, and my valet dressed me in mourning anyway. After a kipper or two and a spot of tea, my black limo to me to my day job at Chicky Frisky, where
  • I made my fortune. I walked into the barn full of day old chicks to start my shift. You too could be a millionaire! Just buy my book 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Chick Sexers'


  1. lucielucie Mar 22 2014 @ 18:55

    Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome Stryk3r & sam wright! We'd better write the book first... http://foldingstory.com/923vy/

  2. Stryk3r Mar 22 2014 @ 23:20

    Thank you!

  3. lucielucie Mar 23 2014 @ 12:11

    Thanks Chaz, this site is such an education. Apologies samwight for getting your moniker wrong.

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