Knick Knack, Paddy Whack. What the hell is

  • Knick Knack, Paddy Whack. What the hell is a Paddy Whack anyway? Paddy is often used to refer to an Irish Man and a whack could be a whack with a stick. Irish Child abuse? Could it

  • something so traditional and accepted as Irish Child Abuse, or also known as Irish Paternal Love? The Term Paddy Whack first emerged in the Tang Dynasty but the term at that

  • time didn't come with the knick-knack collecting, and bone-giving connotations of today's users. Back in the Tang Dynasty it meant that while you respected an elder's trinkets you

  • were boning his granddaughter. He called it Confucius tips for the morally superior. Anyway when grandfather discovered he'd cracked his best Ming Dynasty tea cup, what difference

  • a Ming can make! He flew into a rage. Cursing and spitting as he knocked over the kitchen and chairs. When the servants came he began to vigoursly pound upon them with fists and

  • feet. Then he decided he was supposed to be sorry, so he dressed them up nicely and treated them to a bowl of fried grasshoppers which he forced down their throats. Then he made

  • them pry their toenails off with the claw end of a hammer, then smash their toes with the blunt end. His hospitality seminar was going off just as planned. SO FAR.

  • But then SHE arrived, busting through the door of the Professional Sadist Society International's conference, ruining everything. The sadists enjoyed this turn of events, however,

  • she rained on their parade and tried to feed all the sadists some apple pie. But they were allergic to apple pie! The sadists were too weak to fight back but tried to. That's when

  • it turned into a sad sloppy display of war. Sadists were dropping like flies & breaking out in allergic hives. All this carnage, just bc of apple pie, & no, not like the movie.



  1. PurpleProf Nov 12 2012 @ 14:28

    This story is whacked!

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