"Sophie, How could you?" screamed Milz. "How

  • "Sophie, How could you?" screamed Milz. "How could you die on me my love???????"

  • Sophies ghostly voice answered in response "BECAUSE YOU NEVER CARED FOR UNICORNS!!!!!!"

  • I told Sophie (the phantom that was haunting me) that she was wrong. I DID care about unicorns. They need to be properly cared for if you want to make a coat and walking stick. She

  • then proceded to sob and moan like a little girl. I packed my stuff and went to feed Shiny, my unicorn "Good boy, one of these days I'm ging to have a nice soft coat, and I'll be t

  • -he corniest eunuch in the choir." We eunuchs gave a balls-to-the-wall effort when it came to nostalgia. Virgisius in Row 3 had a saber-tooth necklace. My unicorn's fur was looking

  • mangy but you couldn't see that from where the congregation sat.Our interpretive performance of the Lady & the Unicorn went awry when the soprano eunuchs who dressed as organ pipes

  • started playing wacky pizza house music. This was my chance for Spontaneous Interpretive Dance. At that moment my body was taken over by Chris Farley's spirit and

  • and I started talking loudly to every one in the place. Chris Farley's spirit was throwing me back and forth and "we" were knocking into tables and dancing with the freedom of one

  • unfettered by the opinions of others. "We" (Chris Farley's spirit & I) fell into a coffee table & smashed it. I banged my head on the floor. "That's gonna leave a mark!" I giggled

  • We laid on the cocaine dusted 80s shag rug, &Chris Farley's spirit had an idea. Then cowbell started, &Working for the Weekend played &we began to strip. SNL was never the same.



  1. PurpleProf Sep 04 2013 @ 14:59

    I forgot all about that SNL "Working for the Weekend" skit with Chris Farley & Patrick Swayze!!! One of the funniest in SNL history! Thanks for that reminder, CrazyBananas. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xai10q_chris-farley-swayze-video-google-vi_fun

  2. choctaw Sep 04 2013 @ 22:28

    Miley Cyrus has nothing on Chris Farley.

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