Stiles is clumsy. He is always getting rekt

  • Stiles is clumsy. He is always getting rekt like a skrub. so stiles said "@MLG_assassins is stupid" and all of a sudden he was being REKT LIKE A SCRUB! then..

  • Derek came to help him #sterekforlife. Then Stiles met Leah and Derek met Juliana. They went on a double date and lived happily ever after.

  • The Writer waited and looked at the Reader expectantly as the Manuscript was lowered and placed calmly on the table. Finally the Reader spoke, "It's not done yet, is it?"

  • Well er. no, It's about a ⅓ of the way throug but I think the opening is good. Its starting to crest. I have to confess there were a few ghostwriter's on the Manuscript. The Reader

  • confessed that he was unimpressed. Sure, he liked the way it began, but like everything else in his life, the ending faded into a great big disappointment.

  • "You need to lower your expectations and strive for mediocrity," advised Aunt Valetta, as she sat smoking at the kitchen table. He decided he'd try to stop trying.

  • And something magical happened. Whenever he went to "just do it," he didn't just do it. Sometimes he didn't do it, or he did it half-assed, or he did it after doing other things.

  • I was binge watching Kojak when he burst through the door. "There! It's done! Come look!" I was hauled to the front yard. Egg cartons, bits of wood, and chicken wire towered over

  • The fence and tried to get into the compost area. We steered them the right way, straight to the compost pile. I jotted down what was there in the log book. The chicken wire was a

  • about 15 feet high. "Why would they need such a high fence for compost?" I wondered. The stench was terrible. "And why would they need a bouncy castle?" There w



  1. SlimWhitman Mar 22 2016 @ 03:06

    sorry.. I meant http://foldingstory.com/t6w50/

  2. LordVacuity Mar 29 2017 @ 17:54

    Derek and the gang would not have been so happily ever after if they knew about Susha.

  3. SlimWhitman Mar 30 2017 @ 01:53

    Maybe in some philisophical bent they would vicariously enjoy their roll in Susha's simple yet happy life?

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