"GO TO HELL!" She screached

  • "GO TO HELL!" She screached

  • as the demon was screaming in pain with

  • A knife in his forehead. He couldn't even explain how much the darn thing hurt. He had no choice but to yank the little thing out as hard as he could. He wrapped his hand his hand

  • around the hilt, bit down hard and tugged. "Sploosh." There was a distinct notion dawning on him that that sound was not the harbinger of good news. He pulled again. "Ker-fthtfth"

  • It was then that he realised:it wasn’t the sword making those sounds,it was his own bottom releasing gas from this mornings bean on toast!

  • "How embarrassing!" he declared, swinging the sword casually into his jeans pocket. The sword tore through the pocket and into his leg, but he tried not to let anyone notice.

  • He couldn't help but wince as he felt the wet heat drip down his leg. He glanced around at everyone but nobody had noticed, so he crouched down and wiped the sword on the grass.

  • As he did so, a faint, greenish glow began to emanate from the edges of the blade. The blood that previously caked the blade faded away slowly. And the grass was slightly burned.

  • A nun dressed in a flaming habit appeared before me. "You have killed the Devil," she informed me before imploding in a sulphuric burst. I looked out over the city. It looked much

  • like it always did,except for a light dusting of ash that fell on the Our Lady of the Holy Incarnate Word Cathedral & Bingo Emporium. All this fuss & nobody really even noticed.



  1. PurpleProf Oct 04 2018 @ 18:45

    This story took place in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina.

  2. Woab Oct 05 2018 @ 11:25

    Wow, this story went to HECK and back! I hear it's always a hot time at Our Lady of the Holy Incarnate Word Cathedral & Bingo Emporium.

  3. PurpleProf Oct 10 2018 @ 18:35

    Yeah, it's where you go when the chips are down.

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