Woh! What just happened?! I was stuck in

  • Woh! What just happened?! I was stuck in a loop about watching all of Peter Lorre's movies to prove he was the best actor of the 20th century, bar none. That doesn't sound to unple

  • ad the case againt my client, Your Honor, and I am not doing that now, Your Honor. I am reserving that right to an if needed. That stills leaves the question that brings us here to

  • discuss the silliness of the bailiffs' hat.

  • Even the judge thought the bailiff’s hat was silly and told him to take it off. “Of course, Your Honor!” said the bailiff. He removed the hat to reveal, perched atop his head, a

  • Mini version of him with an even sillier hat. The judge demanded the little guy remove the hat at once. He complied, and on top of HIS head was a microscopic version of the Judge

  • 's headless, limbless torso. The judge was visibly offended and sent the little guy back to jail, where he promptly ate his hat. This is the perfect illustration of how a little

  • meat, with the right spices, makes even a hat edible. It's all here in my new book: Stuffed Clothing Meals for Cannibals on a Budget. Anyone can stuff a stocking, but did you know

  • That turkey with a fruit in the middle is quite tantalizing. It’s even more tastier than a book with hot sauce. You can also stuff the turkey with garbage sheep liver, and more!!!!

  • The half man, Half-zombie said as he tried to sell his new cook book on the cuisine of the undead. The turkey's eye, which he held his decaying hand, seemed to follow me as I moved

  • about the room.



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