Finished Folds (1—20)
1I'm here for you, when you call, I'll be waiting... Time after time.
3were fixing the First Aircraft, and accidentally ended up in a Tornado.
4Iron Man came back for the Future of Mankind; his Heavy Boots of Lead, filled his Victims full of Dread.
1Astral Projection took over, and my Physical Exsistence went limp for a bit, during that time the World Collapsed, an dmy Body walked toward the light, there was nothing to gain.
1turned around, bit her, and she became Spider-Man, which was weird, because she is a Lady.
2"We are playing, 6 Degress of Kevin Bacon, instead."
3"There's a Tree!," spoke the Lorax, and trees purple in nature sprung up the cat in the hat everywhere!
2is organization had.
1However, this Ticket will self-destruct in 10 seconds, so I handed it to Inspector Gadget, and he knew what to do, so did Penny.
4Alternatively, we are calculating, how many people it takes the Earth to become a Perfect sphere, on it's Axis of 27.5. Earth has always been an Oblate Spheriod, but let's change
1it was a Hand of Cards that had just been passed down by the dead guy.
1bills. WIthout Money he became an eternal dishwasher.
3Just because age is a number, this story was too.
1had a lot of need for speedy Photosynthesis during the day, and needed to breathe Oxygen at night, through the Calvin Cycle.
1care for TV that much, and knew that, some of those Hidden Camera shows are full of shit.
1the band led by Curt Cobain had been replayed on the air, until Nirvana heard the Spears singing station to station. Cobain still sweared that he didn't have a gun.
1it until God came down from Heaven declaring peace among the nations.
2Then, they were safe for work, and wanted others to do good, safe for work kind of things.
3uld stand living in the city. However, Long Island was nicer. So, I packed my things and moved away from the East side because I had finally had too much pie.
2ght that repeating myself would disengage people from political nonsense, even though sometimes it made sense. Next, muddy feces were thrown.