Zeroing Yolanda's Xmas wages, Vicky usurped

  • Zeroing Yolanda's Xmas wages, Vicky usurped the sales reductions quite perfidiously. One new manager, Lars keenly joked, "Hey, George faked expenses" darkly confirming Bea's alibi.
  • "Alright!" Bellowed Chad's dad, "Everyone find George's illegitimate hundreds in Jessie's lap." Mel Newman opened poor, quiet, Ralph's sack under Val's wet xeroxed zebra-stripes.
  • It was then that the narrative of the story was halted. "CUT!!!" yelled the director, "WHO THE HELL WROTE THIS SCRIPT?"
  • And then, experiencing a full blown out of body experience, he reached for a glass of water, and proceeded to gargle, staring at the broken clapperboard.
  • Suddenly, reality broke into triangular pieces, each carrying different smells and price tags. Water was pink, indescribably pink, and it was actually the thread that was used to
  • sew the entire saga back together. Life is a patchwork of emotions & experiences, all sewn together with that metaphorical pink thread, the umbilical cord of the universe. Can you
  • dig it, man? It's almost like we are all sentient apes encased in fabrics sewn together to fit our bodies to prevent our surfaces from being exposed. Cotton fibers, all intertwined
  • & matted together are a conspiracy to prevent naked breasts squishing against hairy chests or naked breasts squishing against even larger naked breasts. DO YOU DIG IT, MAN??
  • A eunuch was standing nearby, watching. He felt strange & unfamiliar yearnings. Yeah, he dug it, but sadly, he realized he was really only a torso with arms, legs, & a head.
  • "Only a torso?!" The epiphany had stunned him. At first, he didn't realize that he'd spoken out loud. The crowd laughed nervously while he darted toward the exit.


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 02 2014 @ 01:49

    LOL... from the alphabet game to 'only a torso' in 10 folds.

  2. lucielucie Nov 02 2014 @ 08:49

    I cried laughing at this one - I'm so easily amused.

  3. PurpleProf Nov 02 2014 @ 19:54

    HAHA! See what you started, LL???

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