'Twas the night before Halloween, when all

  • 'Twas the night before Halloween, when all through the mansion. Not a creature was stirring, not even Mr. Asp the mortician.
  • The bodies were hung on the scaffold with care. In hopes that the corpes might not soon be awares. The children were hiding all under their beds. While nightmares of boney thumbs
  • squirmed in their heads. In the basement arose such a terrible clatter as I started the machine that made anti-matter. When what to my welcoming eyes did appear? Reanimated corpses
  • of rogue auctioneers. They dressed up as children, they spared no deceits. They pawned my invention for chocolatey treats. Their boney hands bound me as thunderbolts crashed
  • across the sky. A voice boomed down from Heaven like thunder. "Thou art a bad boy!" I shivered as the children in skeleton costumes giggled and tied me to a tree. They left me
  • tied there, completely defenseless against who ever was haunting me from on high. Luckily, the skeletons had bound me up using liquorice , so I able to eat my way through the ties.
  • Unfortunately I was allergic to saki and my face swelled up 2 times its normal size. This was fortunate since it ended up scaring the skeletons away and I was able to escape my
  • pursuers. I thought my adventure had come to an end but I rounded a corner and my grotesquely swollen head shocked a group of trick-or-treaters which enraged their parents who then
  • showered me with verbal abuse and pelted my oversize head with candy corn and bite-size Snickers while their costumed kiddies screamed. I ran down an alley, only to become
  • a high-priced lawyer for the mob! So I got my goon buddies to whack the small children who had wronged me. Most successful mischief night ever, in my honest opinion.


  1. 49erFaithful Nov 28 2011 @ 13:13

    Very cool beginning, but as we all know, one of the main perils of FS is that it's tough to keep a particular theme going when you can only see the one previous fold. At least it stayed Halloween!

  2. sundancer Dec 14 2011 @ 02:37

    Awww I'm so mad I wrecked up the rhyme. I didn't realize it was a rhyme until after I submitted. I so wish we could edit but I know that would spoil the whole thing.

  3. 49erFaithful Dec 14 2011 @ 03:00

    It would be interesting to see how stories with ya'll turned out when you could see the previous submissions. Clearly a different sort of adventure, but i'm sure we'd come up with some doozies. Sort of a creative writing collaboration.

  4. sundancer Dec 14 2011 @ 03:09

    Oh that would be incredible awesome if there were two types of games on folding story... one where you could see all the submissions before and this one where you can only see the last one. :-) Are you guys listening? Ben? FS team?

  5. SlimWhitman Dec 14 2011 @ 04:52

    I was looking for just such a thing when I stumbled upon FS. But since then I've tried other sites where you could see more of the previous text and I find FS makes for more interesting stories. You just have to read carefully and pick up the queues. It's part of the game. The time limit is not really a problem, since you can always click "Try again".

  6. ben Dec 15 2011 @ 16:45

    Sundancer, yes we are always listening. As you and 49erFaithful both point out, being able to read the entire story in progress before contributing would produce a different type of creation altogether. We will take the idea into consideration for future expansion!

  7. sundancer Dec 15 2011 @ 17:17

    That sounds awesome! And slim, sometimes 4 minutes isn't enough time write something brilliant using only 180 characters. I have to hit the back button an average of three times to go back to my story and try again. I write what I want, and then I try to condense what I want to say in as few letters as possible. It gets annoying sometimes. ;-) I also have to check google sometimes for references you guys make to certain pop references I'm not privy to. In particular Slim, you tend to write a lot of "scientific" folds that chase me away because no amount of googling could help me understand them!

  8. SlimWhitman Dec 15 2011 @ 18:24

    You're describing just what I do Sundancer. Being forced to pare the idea down to 180 characters once it is fully developed is mostly a pleasure especially when I succeed. It's like writing a haiku or short couplet of a poem. I tend to be verbose & I think this exercise is good training. It is also a pleasure to find a good fit - every folding story has it's own zany logic which I try to capture. But this requires reading the previous fold carefully (more than once). The amazing thing is when I feel there is a good fit my fold sometimes brings up something that happened much earlier in the story. I get a kick out of that. That suspense would be missing if the story were "open". Finally, being a scientist, the science humor comes naturally. I know it's sometimes a bother, but I learn a lot by googling up things other people write about that I never heard of. Thanks Folders!

  9. SlimsBro Dec 18 2011 @ 00:18

    I just do whatever my bro does...

  10. SlimWhitman Dec 18 2011 @ 03:24

    hahaha. verbose much?

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