Hacía mucho tiempo que estaba así. Todos

  • Hacía mucho tiempo que estaba así. Todos nos acostumbramos a la situación, por lo tanto no nos resultó nada extraño que haya sucedido de esa manera.
  • Yes,we're all geting used to it.De repente...No,sorry!Suddenly,a sentence n Spanish,other there,and we tried!We translated it,wrote meaning into it,tried to make sense,but
  • decided languages are hard. We were glad we were born in America because we understood the language. Imagine being born somewhere foreign and not understanding a word.
  • Like Alaska. I don't even know how the people on that island survive. What a bunch of idiots. Living somewhere all cold and foreign. At least were were Americans and knew a thing
  • about headlines in bold-typed print. Alaska turned commie about when Rocky 4 came out. The US should just invade Alaska and make it a state. I mean, they already speak english
  • and Canada's monarchy owes us a solid. Plus which the Russian economy's collapsed, so they can't afford to keep occupying Alaska. And take that ugly librarian bimbo with the makeup
  • smeared all over her face like some hoo-oar. She's worse than Canada & Russia put together! Now, what other unsolicited opinions can I offer you people?" I stopped for a breath.
  • It was a tough crowd filled with mainly Canadians, Russians and some exchange students from Antigua. I wasn't sure if my stand up routine referencing local humour would go down wel
  • l, but I guess inbreeding jokes are universal. I think we've all heard stories about our neighbor's cousin's uncle indulging in activities best not satirized, but I did--satirize.
  • and got a Hollywood movie deal, satirising our neighbour's incest filled life. The irony being that, off the back of that, he became a porno star, leaving me bereft.


  1. PurpleProf Feb 22 2013 @ 19:56

    Hey LucieLucie! Welcome to FoldingStory! You're not Canadian, are you?? :)

  2. Zetawilk Feb 23 2013 @ 01:59

    :| {...)

  3. lucielucie Feb 23 2013 @ 03:55

    Thanks for the welcome PurpleProf. I'm not Canadian - I is English xx

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