Dr. Amnesiac was a master of identity theft,

  • Dr. Amnesiac was a master of identity theft, but Det.Manatee was sure he'd visited the Tattoo parlor. "Abalone, checked this ink for fluorescence. The map might be hidden under his

  • gills." Det. Manatee waited for Abalone to do his thing, when he saw it. Far corner. On the wall. The tattoo, his father's tattoo. The memories flooded back like a bucket of cold

  • Spaghetti that needed more sauce.

  • It is true that his spaghetti were soggy, but he did not want to make a scene tonight. After all, it's his fault he didn't order a miso soup.

  • He sighed. Upon forking the spaghetti, he was disgusted at how it fell through the prongs like porridge and spattered on his face after hitting the gelatinous mass. "Just eat it,

  • insisted Wierd Al, but it was beyond him. Until overhearing Uncle Scrooge whisper: "My will names those who feast the most at my banquets" He then tucked in with a gusto, shoveling

  • the roast duck into his mouth greedily. Uncle Scrooge's cane rapped the table loudly. "That was my late wife, Turtiana McDuck!" he yelled. Weird Al had thought the casket was a

  • feast platter and that the Duck was the main course. Weird Al hung his head in shame of course Uncle Scrooge wouldn't serve roast duck. Oh well too late. He tiptoed out of the hous

  • e of ill repute in which he found himself this morning. He threw a few coins at their laps and aprons and something about breakfast for the Homeland, took his sword and raced out

  • side and cut his own head off, but not on the first attempt. Oh, no, it took forty-one whacks to the neck with that dull and rusted sword blade. Lizzie Borden would've been proud



  1. Jimbeau Feb 07 2017 @ 20:33


  2. LordVacuity Feb 07 2017 @ 21:58

    Funny, I had spaghetti just now that needed more sauce. I had to open a can of sauce I did not even know I had to finish it.

  3. Rebbie Feb 08 2017 @ 12:49

    Careful Futique, it's been known to lead to duck hallucinations and death by self beheading with a dull sword. Always serve spaghetti warm with plenty of sauce.

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