The alien's name was Zippa Zappa. He was

  • The alien's name was Zippa Zappa. He was on his way to Earth to find the one true ring. Of course, this would be a journey that

  • involved a gold toilet seat and lengthy bizarre questioning by the Earth Customs Officers. Zippa Zappa needed to get back to his own planet before his next delivery arrived or

  • he'd birth a cluster of live quark squidlings right here in Eartth Customs interrogation room & the Centauri syndicate would liquidate him. So Zippa Zappa sat on the golden toilet

  • Preparing himself for the labour. Everybody knows Quark Squidlings are very hard to birth. The interrogation officers looked at him strangely, but Zippa Zappa continued on.

  • "Oh" squealed Zippa Zappa. The officers continued to glare strangely at him. "Oh I can feel my Quark Squidling babies!" The interrogation officers backed away slowly from Zippa and

  • zipped their lips and covered their faces as a succession of squealing squirming squidlings zipped out. Zing! Zap! Zippa Zappa had the upper-hand ...or tentacle. Her interrogators

  • fled, flailing fearfully, from the room. Zippa Zappa's squidlings slithered back to her, and she gave them their orders in a truly triumphant tone. "Verily, victory approaches! All

  • Squidlings pay attention. Don't eat the yellow snow and remember, we're in it only for the money. There is no other reason to to open our fishmarket now. People need to eat!"

  • Somewhere in the middle of that speech Squidling #17 stated reading the instructions on the barf bag. Then he made a pirates hat out of it. Then he decided he wanted some gum but

  • refused to pay for it, since "pirates don't pay for nothing!" Squidling #17 was arrested and sent to prison for forty-three minutes for petty larceny. He came out a hardened squid.



  1. Flopp Mar 10 2017 @ 16:55

    I'd like to know more about the misadventures of Squidling#17

  2. SlimWhitman Mar 11 2017 @ 00:56

    This may well be related: http://foldingstory.com/7j3qu/

  3. Woab Mar 11 2017 @ 10:41

    We may have to write the further adventures of Squidling #17.

  4. Woab Mar 11 2017 @ 10:46

    Squidling #17 story is continued here : http://foldingstory.com/0t4dy/ Be prepared to add on.

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