Father finished off his port & espresso,

  • Father finished off his port & espresso, stretched & yawned, and grasped the table with both hands. "Dinner's over, kids. Now leave Daddy alone. It's folding time."

  • He settled into his chair by the fire, inspired to incorporate some events of the day into his folds. He laughed to himself, about to submit a champion zinger when Ricky Jr. popped

  • and smacked his lips noisily. This broke both the silence and the struggling writer's concentration. He shouted at Ricky Jr., "Why don't you go out and play in the street with

  • Candy Apple for a while?" Ricky Jr. jumped up & out the door immediately. He LOVED playing with Candy Apple, the neighborhood hooker who also babysat on a regular basis. Candy was

  • always had a stick up her rear end because people judged "ladies of the night." Her name was Candy Apple, and Ricky Jr. wanted to take her to the big apple to see the Manhattan

  • Skyline. Or so he said. Anybody who knew Ricky Jr well enough knew that he was just like his dad, and all he was interested in with Candy Apple involved girraffes and hidden blades

  • & lucky hog tails. But hog tying got old & in middle age Ricky Jr felt the need to prove he was still the toughest russtler in Texas. He was going to tie wildebeest & elephant tail

  • Together, but the tails escaped. Ricky Jr was disappointed and settled for tying pieces of firewood together. They were used right away. It was 20 below zero outside. The fireplace

  • smelt of the dreams in Creole actions at the Battle Of Sleeping Lambs. Even our best wizards were powerless against their infernal dreams. Dreams that they dragged out of you to

  • set to jazz music. They are a proud people but adulterous so no matter our story it came back at us tainted with time. Just like this one.



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