Flip flop. Flip flop. Flop flop flop flop.

  • Flip flop. Flip flop. Flop flop flop flop.
  • I looked at my feet. "What the?" I was missing a sandal. I looked back down the beach. Where did it go? Then, in a sudden burst, it shot out from a dune. I felt a low rumble nearby
  • ."Sandshark!" yelled the lifeguard. "Now what?", I thought. The Kiwis all began shimmying up the palm trees while sand flowed funnellike towards a gaping maw.I scrambled sandalless
  • slipping toward the opened maw in the sand. My first thought was how do Kiwis climb trees, but my second thought was utter terror as I slipped through the hole next to Boba Fett
  • 's Lay-Z-Boy that the bounty hunter had installed on the Sail Barge due to a contract term he got during his Free Agency negotiations when Jabba picked him up off the Empire
  • Express and continued this dreadfully long run on sentence with even more interesting plot twists like that one time when Luke discovered he could make popcorn with his light saber
  • toothed tiger, malnourished because of what was going on in the shed next door and so Luke and his tiger built a bonfire continuing the run on sentence, the comma splice was edible
  • so Luke cooked it over the fire and fed it to his tiger and the semi-colons and periods too for good measure making the run-on sentence even longer and the tiger's stomach larger
  • until it burst and punctuation marks 'sp:r.ead! ev"e")rywher,e b.ut wh?e.r'e th;e;y w"(er.e m:;ean't t!!o b.e mak?in:g th!e s-e,nt"e:nc(e ;h?ard t.o _re?ad- L_uke:
  • I%^:am$(%;'yo\ur!!# f$@at%^he*(r. B$*@ewa#*(re) th"e [int[[[er\;<>,rob^#!an~g, ,,be~!@w&*ar*(e!! Bu7 1t w45 700 1473. 41d5 w45 1n th3 c0mpu73r. 41d5. 41d5.


  1. PurpleProf Dec 03 2012 @ 21:16

    GreenBanana, you took the words right out of my mouth. I couldn't agree more. I did, however, appreciate the low rumble and the gaping maw.

  2. sundancer Dec 04 2012 @ 04:36

    Someone please translate the last line of the story for me so I can "like" it. It seems promising... if I could just figure it out! LOL

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