Not wanting to end up on primetime news,

  • Not wanting to end up on primetime news, strangers describing the nuances of her personality, she decided to take the road veering right. But as she reached the fork in the road

  • strangers appeared at the road's fork to judge her. They spoke in unison hushed tones. Both roads looked the same. They snickered at her everytime she almost chose one.

  • There were times when she tired of looking so innocent and indecisive. Let them mock at the false branching of the ways, she thought, for I Am the Crossroads and the Crow, and they

  • know nothing, like Jon Snow. The Crow sat on a wire near the Crossroads and nibbled at a specimen from its massive stockpile of roadkill. One day came a traveling man

  • in his rattletrap jalopy. He parked at the Crossroads, doffed his boater, wiped his brow & gestured towards the impressive pile of roadkill. "Mr. Crow, I am authorized to offer you

  • for today only, your choice of the finest decomposing wildlife the ancient kingdom of

  • Zod had to offer! Only 29 units!" The taxidermy auction was off to a slow start. Most villagers were into knitting now instead so demand was low. The auctioneer desperately

  • offered throw in buy this stuffed pig and get these unique courage eyes for only $9.99. who did he think he was Billy Mays?! The crowd ate it up though and soon the taxidermy aucti

  • -on was over, the auctioneer having sold every piece of taxidermy in the place. The buyers drove off with their stuffed raccoons and bears, and all that was left was a piece of

  • white lace that was wrapped around a book sized pile of typed pages. Inside were the deceased's small appliance erotica. We releaseD it as I WANT TO PUT MY TOASTER IN YOUR OVEN.



  1. Flopp Feb 16 2017 @ 07:05

    haha Toaster in your oven

  2. Gibber Feb 21 2017 @ 00:44

    Toaster? I don't even know her!

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