Whatever twas, I liked it enough to put off

  • Whatever twas, I liked it enough to put off doing the dishes again. That wasn't hard to do. Exotic lifeforms that formed on week old food encrusted plates deserved a chance at Life

  • and I needed to play god. I engaged the dissipation-driven adaptation theory, placed the plates in warm baths. I nursed countless generations, and passed on godhood to my children.

  • Abiding to a promise I made with the demiurge, I named them in accordance with the three stooges. Larry, Curly and Moe. The three of them bearing a strong and diverse skillset.

  • Which if the terrorist didn't release the girl, the three stooges would be forced to use to get her back. They hung up the phone and proceeded to get on a plane to rescue the girl.

  • They found the despairing girl trussed up in the terrorist's cellar. "Everything will be ok," Moe reassured her, "you're in good hands." As if on cue, Curly set off a hidden alarm.

  • The girl shrieked in terror as sirens blared all around. Suddenly, they were surrounded by shadowy figures. Moe reached for a weapon but it was nowhere to be found. In desperation,

  • Curly started to do the Curly Shuffle. THe shadowy figures were mesmerized by Curly's antics. Larry and Moe managed to get the girl outside while they were distracted. Curly ran

  • directly into an m1 abrams mbt. Seeing curlys tactical advantage of probably being high as balls inside of a main battle tank, Larry and moe ran recklessy towoards the mbt

  • Curly came within a short hair of shooting Larry & Moe. THen he saw them as Valkyries and held his fire. After a second they were clearly Larry & Moe. He let them into the tank.

  • As soon as they were inside Moe poked Curly's eyes and called him a mope. Larry took over driving the tank. Moe looked around. "Where is the girl that we're saving?" She was lost.



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