Gangrene had left Clementine with a limp.

  • Gangrene had left Clementine with a limp. Well actually two limps - one to the left, one to the right. These rare double limps cancelled each other out. She seemed to glide.

  • Clementine had been a nurse during the Boer Wars and was injured whilst rescuing two soliders from the battle field. Her new ability to glide enhanced her interest in speed skating

  • which was nothing because she had no interest in speed skating. But what she really liked was Russian Roulette that she played with an RPG. Her rag tag group of hairy and weathered

  • Final Fantasy characters, level-grinded to the point of invincibility, stuck the muzzles in their mouths. Their Russian Roulette healing staves and equipped armor would prove use

  • Ful as evidence that it was planted there to incriminate them, not to mention kill them through electric shocks preset by the police. They were after "Comrade Bob".

  • Known to most as "Big Boy", Comrade Bob had stood in front of a restaurant for thirty years, gradually lulling the neighborhood into a false sense of complacency. Soon it would be

  • now followed by more now. The trick was to distinguish the now from this now and that now. "Now now", I hear you say, "you know now is not so knowable outside of Now." I know.

  • "No, no, no! You know not what you think you know. I know more than you you think about this subject. I wrote the book on it."

  • "And here it is." He shoved a copy at me from the stack he was signing. It was entitled: "Help for Those Who Think They Know, by Me, Who Knows More-So" "Um, thanks?" I said.

  • I didn't know what to think of this "book" I heard this guy was, but now i knew he was crazy. I politely took the book and left home to live the rest of my life in isolation.



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