Turn away, If you could get me a drink of

  • Turn away, If you could get me a drink of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded. Call my aunt Marie, help her gather all my things and bury me in all my favorite colors, my
  • life...it's almost over." The audience applauded. Miss South Carolina was a favorite in the Drama Queen Pageant. Matt Damon, the MC, announced, "And now, let's welcome Miss Utah!"
  • Miss Utah had previously worked on a soap opera until the crew said she was causing too much drama on set. After being fired, Miss Utah's life went from one breakup, cheating, deat
  • h defying leap from buildings, and basically blowing more men than her nose could blow tissues during a sinus infection. Yes, Ms. Utah became a bigger whore than Anna Nicole
  • with all that blowing. My god, she's a walking advertisement for penicillin shots. She was pretty, if you like that type. U know, the ridden hard & put away wet type. She was look
  • ing more attractive when playing her guitar, but I'm a sucker for the musician type. But all the singing about blowing was a huge turn off. I know I'm surprised as you are, but...
  • then again I often told I look surprised even when I'm not...a vestige of the overdone brow work I had done by that quack plastic surgeon who still, yes still, incessantly hums his
  • own theme song. Really, who makes up their own theme song and I will tell you this he was non super hero. My overdone brow work wasn't even the worst work that he had done. Now,
  • Superman? Guy like him is a real peach. Why, he's a deli mustard guy. Like you and me. But Flash? Jesus, that guy won't quit. Zipping here, zipping there. Now take Aquaman,
  • he really must've been at the end of the line when they were handing out superpowers. A good swimmer? I could kick his ass with a snorkel and a hammer. Try me. Just try me.


  1. 49erFaithful Feb 05 2013 @ 19:23

    2 days start to finish. Don't you people have lives? Me neither.

  2. inatick Feb 05 2013 @ 19:36

    We've been working around the clock to deliver more completed folding stories for everyone to read. It has been a effort but well worth the reward. Consequently, has anyone else noticed the server for this website is struggling with the increase in traffic?

  3. MoralEnd Feb 05 2013 @ 19:54

    I quit my day job to do this.

  4. PurpleProf Feb 05 2013 @ 22:01

    Ah, the perks of being on online professor! ;)

  5. inatick Feb 05 2013 @ 22:05

    Being Number 1 on the leaderboard I'd expect you would receive some sort of folding story pension? Or are you publishing folding stories as a book on the sly?

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