Apparently the convict was not amused by

  • Apparently the convict was not amused by my blithering about the origins of my nickname, so he dashed my head against a handy headstone. "Chapter Two -- I am dead" The End.

  • "There", I said, rereading it. "Solid". I sealed up the manuscript and sent it to my editor. 2 days later she replied: Better, definitely better. But Ch. 2 is still too long. Try

  • to imagine hate distilled through copper tubing and then poured over uranium rods. That's what I felt towards me editor. Ch. 2? HA! She did not know the first thing about Ch. 2

  • I'm not even sure she understands number 2. I giggled to myself imagining my hated editor panicing every time she was on the John. So i began my plan to overthrow Ch 2 with

  • Operation Sabotage, which consisted of playing Lopez Tonight reruns 24/7. "But it's not tonight, it's daytime," confused channel surfers complained. With Ch. 2 in the crapper, gigg

  • Ered one channel surfer, we should check out channel 3 and channel 4. There must be something worth watching!

  • He continued surfing & got all the way up to channel 104 & was just about to give up finding anything that held his attention when he clicked once more & got static. It mesmerized

  • A part of the brain that still could recognize that none of this was normal behaviour. He shouldn't be able to breathe underwater or walk through solid cement walls but be stymied

  • by general physics and the limits of the human body. "I'm a god," he whispered to himself. "With this power I will better all of humanity. I will breathe water and walk through

  • oceans & astound everyone!" And that, boys & girls, is the end of this sad, sad story, for of course he had deluded himself & ended up drowning. Moral: Strength requires humility.



  1. jaw2ek May 15 2017 @ 14:37

    Humility, indeed.

  2. LordVacuity May 15 2017 @ 15:42

    Solid appears twice.

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