Your name is Gordan Freeman, you work in

  • Your name is Gordan Freeman, you work in a top secret government facility in the middle of the desert. You Your job is to insert yellow crystals into the
  • reaction chamber of the Golfark Device. You've had this job for years. You've been very, very content. Until today. Today, everything feels strange. As if somebody else is looking
  • over your shoulder as you read this story. Could the particles in the Golfark Device, send your consciousness to an altered stage of reference? You feel edited from the narrative.
  • The strange sensation of Dadaism mixed with ADHD grasps your mind and turns your thoughts into a thick puddle of glossy, melted butter. The Golfark Device projected your
  • sense of consciousness to a nether-realm of which you are simultaneously aware and unaware. The Golfark Device solidifies the bland conundrum of Schroedinger's cat to stark realism
  • until users cannot tell inside from outside. The internal dialectic is split with the delicate touch of cracking a pistacio shell, and yet something about it feels so
  • delicious. I'd always been a fan of pistacios, a trait I inherited from my roommate Frankie. Frankie was a hefty animal of a man, always sweating and scheming. He needed to die. I
  • hatched a cunning plan. I cyanided his pistachio nuts & made ice cream from them. Fat Frankie wolfed it down. I waited, undertakers on speed dial. He burped, my finger hovered, but
  • dammit, he was still breathing! But as Fat Frankie's face took on the hue of the poisoned pistachio ice cream, I began to regret my compulsive actions. His double chins convulsed
  • into spasms of spit spewing everywhere. This large lard butt would be hard to bury, and harder to drag to the car trunk in the alley. Slice arrived and they finished the deed.


  1. PurpleProf Jul 20 2013 @ 00:37

    Took nearly 2 years to finish this deed...

  2. Chaz Jul 20 2013 @ 08:48

    Soup to nuts in one story.

  3. lucielucie Jul 21 2013 @ 13:25

    Were people more intellectual on Foldingstory in the olden days?

  4. PurpleProf Jul 21 2013 @ 14:10

    I've only been part of FS since October 2012, but yes, it seems that they were. There used to be more sci-fi and action stories. Would be nice to have a couple of types of story categories people could choose to add to, but then on the other hand, that might take away from the surprises we sometimes see.

  5. lucielucie Jul 21 2013 @ 14:41

    So, who's to blame for lowering the tone? Not that we have a blame culture here on FS. But, you know, who's to blame?

  6. PurpleProf Jul 21 2013 @ 19:56

    Or who can be credited. Depends on how you look at it. ;)

  7. SlimWhitman Aug 19 2013 @ 14:10

    Stories seldom keep a dark or serious tenor around here. It would be interesting to mark some stories that way to see where they go. Strictly voluntary ofcourse. But I do like the twists. Its what makes FS go round.

  8. Zetawilk Aug 19 2013 @ 16:40

    Sometimes you grab onto whatever the most salient detail is, like a loose sweater thread, and see what unravels.

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