The three weird brothers gathered at the

  • The three weird brothers gathered at the first tee. Jasper, as was his wont, picked up the golfball with his mind and gave it a good toss. Brougham
  • chewed bark off a tree and spit out a driver. Dwayne did 5 cartwheels before Jasper started by swinging off a tee Brougham held in his teeth. The 3 weird brothers were tolerated
  • because they were the sons of founding member Featherstonehaugh Wartlehock. Dwayne gargled to clean some golf balls & the 3 got into their lunar rover & Jasper drove off to hole 2.
  • Yes, it was the highest golf course on earth because it was on the moon. Dwayne and Jasper
  • are stupid names. And, for the record, golf is just a good walk spoilt. In this case it was a good moonwalk s
  • because when I zonked the old lady, the police playing the next hole made me do a drug test. I had to count the holes backwards, but this meant my stroke count went down! Catching
  • my breath, I walked unsteadily away from the golf course and into a bar. Golf was ruining my life - in just one round I'd committed assault and was lucky not to be arrested. I
  • was counting on a few drinks to steady myself before turning over a new leaf. No more 'miscounting' strokes. But the sand traps... another Scotch persuaded me that white lies neve
  • led the playing field purdy (hiccup) darn go-ood...or in this case, the colf gourse. I got ma' balls right here, see? Right next to my sshh-cotch. Don't watch this, k? Cheatin' at
  • colf. Don't judge me coz I ain't loaded like Tiger Woods darn it. It was true Tiger Woods was not a good role model. Balls rolled onto the green and nobody judged the colf playah.


  1. Zetawilk May 11 2013 @ 11:53

    I wonder if Tiger Woods ever goes stalking around saying, "Rawr, I'm a tiger!"

  2. inatick May 11 2013 @ 11:58

    No, that is Imran Kahn that famously said "I made love to her like a tiger".

  3. m80 May 11 2013 @ 14:00

    "Golf is just a good walk, spoilt" - good one, osten!

  4. SlimWhitman May 11 2013 @ 16:41

    I thought Twain said it first, but... http://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/05/28/golf-good-walk/ A good moon walk, spoilt... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwwVPBrS3sU

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