"This bench is dedicated to Theodore Ipswitch

  • "This bench is dedicated to Theodore Ipswitch who hated this park and everyone in it."

  • The old bench had been used as ashtray & pitstop for pitbulls for years.What got me is the graffiti cut into it:All the people whose names appeared had died including Ted Ipswitch|

  • Then good uncle Joe came from behind

  • "No!!!!!" Billy said with horror in his eyes.

  • but it was too late Billy was transformed into a flying toad with slimy skin an long gangling legs. He looked like frog leg dinner to all around him. But since he could fly

  • he sprang into the sky and sailed away from the foodies who would dine on his froggy little legs. They tried to catch him, but couldn't grip Billy's slimy toad skin. He was free!

  • Billy kept hopping for miles. Those humans never caught up with him. He decided to take a break to eat some flies, but a large bird came down from above, trying to eat him!

  • The great bird grabbed Billy and carried him high over the Himalayas. Billy managed to twist out of it's talons and fell, landing in a pile of ferns somewhere in Shangri-La. It was

  • surrounded by far horizons that always led back to where Billy was sitting on the ferns that he landed on when he fell from the Roc's talons. The people of Shangri-La had come out

  • to tend to him and, finding him an extraordinary young man with an extraordinary story (and a really cool tattoo), they crowned him "King Billy" & they lived happily ever after.



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