Finished Folds (141—160)
2nice people to mess with. They believe that everyone is against the, and believe whatever they want you to." said the confused troll, named Dhali for he was lead astray by Vishnu
4Bit only the cursed ones called us that. For the Uncursed like us created Paradoxes in our lives, bringing balance back to the world, with every foldingstory we accomplished. Eff
2despair, said "Princess Buttercup! MOWAGE!"
3"Mr. MANLY MAN", said the boy, "Why? Why did you break my tricycle in half?" MANLY MAN write in the sand on the sidewalk, "Because I said so. Now move on with it kid." But MANL
1a lightbulb on top of his head. Holding his Willie Willie Wonka in his Left, he went down the Slippery Slope, into never never land, and ended up in Hershey's Park, on the other e
2"I see twice as many Guns!" They ducked and covered, as a Nuclear Missle shot up into Space, and returned fire on the Enemy. A Court opened fire again, and the Missle Riffle cri
2Yet a Folding Story in itself once folded, never ends. So Twins of folds can go different ways, The possibilities are endless, but what's one hundred started stories, if ones own
3"When are we Going Where?" Lenny looked inwards to see that the Empress had started Deep Hurting on his ability to Astral Project, and left a fan blade in his Kundalini, as a warni
6saddened by this, she quickly changed the subject of the story to another one of more spiritual happy. Flowers started forming, blue roses, and tiger lilies from everywhere around
3"Sit Down!" as they all took a zip to their mouths, and sat down off of the stairs and piled onto the couches, which could accompany all of the clowns into one magic seat. A Midge
3as everyone gathered around for the very last time, the One eyed, Three Horned, Purple People, looked at them, and a humongus tongue came out and licked each one of the three men,
1when the bug is active. The stores were all closed, and signs that read, "Closed for Construction" were always hanged. One day, a silly Pink man came by and flipped everthying wi
5s up and lets you out, and the Wormhole in your Kundalini connection closes, and is replaced with the tubes, and all good things return to your faith, of Starseed abilities. What
2Only one way out. "Leave this vessel alone! Astral Project, Sam and you die! No, Moon, sam! No Moon at all!"
5very confusing to write about and to read. Yet, she opened the Holy Bible to the Book of Genesis and started reading. She asked all duplicates to leave, and pushed her friends ba
8not harm you! "You are not just a vessel!" one of them suggested. You are more than that. You may need to be told again about being a special person and all, but I've saved that
4conscious of it's ways, and the New energy of the crowd shoved out the Old Energy. Blue and Gold came together and bowed, as Pink and Green were sent back home to where they came
3habits were slowly controlled away by the fleet of merciful interplanetary rodents and grey men, and the blue lady who was the truth bringer of their space craft. Their ship neede
4about little Gold men from Vega, who's only known weapon was a fork and a jar. One day, at the Last Supper, a Lady in a Blue Dress, wrote some non fiction tales from the depths of
2dark contract was a bad one anyway. It would have caused his friends to place a bet against him, laced with stupid jokes, and dumb ways to die. His friends would have made a TV s