Finished Folds (1—20)
3a look that screamed "You are an idiot!" while her lips refused to form such thoughts. He shot her, not with a look but with a Magnum 44, the most powerful handgun in the world.
3the arm of Carmen. "You're done! You will never work in children's television again!" "That's what they said to Smoochy" she retorted. Smoochy?
2and I would be in Heaven. I could fall asleep standing up. I frequently do that now but with the memory foam suit there would less incidences of me hitting my head on the ground
3The clock chimed in five o'clock not in a peaceful, serene tone but a loud, booming roar which seemed annoy and startle the passengers of the train. I covered my ears and
2which was a bit of an overkill and was seriously burning up my minutes on my cheapo cell phone. I own a Death Star but I can't find a decent cell plan with unlimited calls?
5must examine the quality workmanship." I stood beside her, inhaling her Patchouli earthiness as I pretended to be interested in her chain mail bikini. She laughed heartily and
5No Dance Numbers tonight under Penalty of Death! The Penalty of Death part was overkill I think. I, being a loyal subject had never knowingly broke the rules. Well, there was
3As I watched the clothes in the dryer tumble, I realized they weren't my clothes. I opened the door to investigate and fell in.
6To be in that kind of vessel meant he got a 360 degree view, whether he wanted it or not. He reached in his pocket and pulled out
6it tends to freak all of us out. Maybe it is that whole goat thing. I don't know. I just know
6from here to Harlem. And that was precisely what I did. Ran that darn card to the limit. I used it so much it was smokin'. Literally smokin'. When it smoked it smelled like
4Grant. As in Ulysses S. Grant. All that was needed was a good ad campaign. With that done, Col G's Grilled Giggers became THE hotspot in Atlanta, Mobile and all points south.
4could be. Platypus awesomeness was sadly lost on the nation of Japan. They heckled the heck out of me! I was heartbroken! I decided to end it all
5"Moooooove it!" she bellowed. Or neighed. Or whatever noise we attribute to cows. Great. I made the cow librarian mad. She probably won't let me check out any books. Stupid!
1All humans, except those too old, feeble or ridiculously moronic, were affected by Jobs tracking system. DNA is pretty darn definitive. Yet there was Dirk, who has no DNA.
1He never should have attained the ability to speak. He was Humanzee, not actually a human but close enough to fool a blind nun at 20 yards away. That was what was supposed to be,
3Wow! I should have expected it but frankly, I didn't. He punches like a madman for someone his age. I stumbled weakly and pulled myself up onto the chair and he pounced again.
5"We're Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" the singer sang off-key. Nobody really believed the lead singer in front of them that evening was Billy Shears. Suddenly...
4It was suspected the murder was committed by that horrid character known as The Muffin Man. He hated vegetables. He only wanted fruits, sweet, glorious fruit, in his muffins.
7Tiny, beady red eyes he could only imagine would be his doom. He tried to remember if he had read about this in the Worst Case Scenario Handbook. He shook his head and