Finished Folds (21—34)
6realized his hairy little feet were whirling. Then he got an idea on how to make the cash he needed. Dancing with the Stars. He cackled madly as he jigged up a storm.
1I have unlimited virtually unlimited wealth thanks to my position as Oprah's love slave so I agreed to save the world and give in to the Priest.
7Starbucks was crowded with folks sucking down overpriced decaf lowfat latte somethings as they met for the first time. He recognized her instantly. She was dressed as a cow and
2"I am BATMAN" as the helpless child crumpled to the ground as horrified onlookers froze in place. An elderly woman finally broke through the daze and beat daddy with her cane and
4and I tried to hide from him. I found the fetal position to be beneficial in situations like this. Calming. Reassuring. But he was persistent in his rapping. He
4height of the table made it impossible for me to reach the phone book to locate such a professional. Darn shrinking curse...
1in the secret passageway deep within the bowels of the White House. Only him, Obama and Lincoln's ghost were present on that fateful day when
6have anything else to add?" asked the irritated judge. "No your Honor" the plaintiff's attorney said as he hung his head. "Then get out of my Courtroom!" roared the Judge.
5the insurance field was just so hard to enter. He was never good at statistics. It was easier to just whack the target and be done with them. Sigh. What should he do?
1That's the lie I told myself as I crackled maniacally. I squirmed with anticipation as I finally got my cargo into the dilapidated van and I wondered
6had been trying so desperately to ignore much like one tries to ignore the annoying voice of Richard Simmons. I sighed. I know I should listen to
2small and childish and I mused as I put the box on the counter. I really shouldn't be doing this. I really shouldn't . But that has never stopped me before.
3Sapphire. Ruby red. Emerald. With a zinger or two of gold thrown in. More than I could ever imagine. They whizzed by my coronas at blitzkrieg speed as I
4had the arrow piercing my cranium not thrown my balance into a tailspin. I thought through my options, which did not appear stellar, as I