Finished Folds (1—6)
0Going out with a black girl wasn't bad right? I never understand why my parents disaprove of black people. It's just a different skin colour. They aren't bad.
0Oh no! My shoes! Wasps were near by. They quickly picked up on the stickly scent of vanila and hovered in
1They squared up to each other. Everyone was shouting. They were breathing deeply, glaring harshly into one anothers eyes. Walkie talkies were cracklng with distress.
1And they didn't know how to use question marks properly either...
1But then she realised that she was half ninja half woman, and punched the dog into next century.
1Jim was always bored when he went to his grandpapy's. There was nothing to do. He would wake up, go down stairs and have his seedless brown bread with seedless raspberry jam.