Finished Folds (141—160)
0The garage door awaits you.
1Which are 20% off at Macy's. But cold dead pants before they are all gone.
2to the next page, if you feel depprressed like your life is all over and you're a complete failure call this number: 1800 666 6666. Then turn to page 164. The book combusted.
1hi eat lunch!" Riker left them puzzled, Riker can not receive messages of strange pheromone when he's hungry, "Here, have a snickers," offered Data. Earth was saved again, somehow.
0Tuesday. Everybody gossiped out money in front of the camera, it was high quality carp. Madam Soso gained millions for chating while some kid extending histalents, "earned" a penny
0the universal kickball league. Across the stars kickball was played and I had all the water and kickball in the universe to supply the league. Income was high, but I had to decide
3He glared towards the blank swirling circle temporarily witholding a prize so valuable not even a ball of yarn could match it. The yellow fluff balls started flying out, Salamander
0for two. My blaster jammed! I knew I should've joined the Empire! My guns wouldn't jam all the time unlike this rebel equipment. Anyway, I still had to deal with poison poptarts.
3flew away as fast as she could, leaving me behind. The Eagle has a bad history with trolls so I partially don't blame her, but then again this troll is right in front of me...
2died. In honor for Mark four bands were made:Front Direction, Left Direction, Right Direction and Rear Direction. The bands didn't make music, because they were really rubber bands
2joined a protest rebelling against the cat empire. They raided convoys, warehouses and cat trees desperately trying free dogkind. It was known as "Bark Lives Matter"
4dropped to my knees. A loud NOOO rend through the air. Ever since then I felt empty, lonely. I never married anyone again, then went to drinking and watching airplanes take off.
0slap in the history of the Incas. The two oddly romantic pair continue building the bridge across the world. Unfortunately for the boy, the slap made him delusional, He fell off.
0Jeezabel thought about this for a while, "Sydney? What happens if the wild barbaric prisoners grab us?" She blurted, but the Queen just stared at her iPad and continued to drink.
2And I died. That's my story kids, 100% true guaranteed don't let your mommy tell you otherwise.
1The world was doomed. So the F.B.I. And everybody else who wasn't infected with Hollywood jumped into a spacecraft (except for the North Koreans, they're immune). Our rocket
1I walked away from the 10,000 clowns and went back to raising my nephew in my jobless life at a ghetto apartment high in New York. One night I looked out the window and saw
3No. It was the grasp of DEATH. Death didn't look like the grim reaper as we all might expect, but like a squid! That's not death, that's just a squid. I-I'm in the water? I'm dizzy