Finished Folds (161—180)
3sed the door. Suddenly I was surrounded by a bunch of peanuts wearing spectacles and top hats. The floor started to unfold into a pit with an open jar of peanut butter. Zombie Bob
1Sandra Bullock. "Oh no!" Astronaut thought. Then out of no where, his space station blew up for no reason and the world's most boring movie was made.
2"Breaking news! The mail killer struck again! I'm Bell's Kitchen New York one more man was nailed to death," the highlight of the paper read. The police called Detective
1got tired of all this huey and retired. The fast wasn't a fast at all because it was Valkrye! Those geeky Greeks were right after all.
1The nurse laughed like an old movie villian. "I can't do that," she spoke, Dr. K quickly responded, "No! The world will explod-" Dr. K realized, she's a member of the nuclear party
1Prison. Then Rob found a pamphlet about how hurricanes worked on a quantum level. It involves particles of EVVVIL. Now I had to escape prison before Trashy Rob noticed me.
5the Ural. This hapless hero travelled the Gold world and the next stop was Svalbard so the producers can make an artic boat scene. Unfortunately Svalbard has no airports, so the
2He shrugged it off. It was getting stronger, and stronger. He went on a quest to find the dignity stone of bananas in the Himalayas. That's a story.... For another day.
3side a sardine can. "All in," he said, handing the sardine can in the pot. He knew he wouldn't win, but at least he can get rid of those darn C&E crowds. He was a free man.
1He ended up in the hospital. Forever, he ate cold turkey and M&Ms to break his addiction.
0But before he could get all cuddly the FBI revealed his identity, he was William Wallace and the Brits sprang up to go at him again.
4Hippos stormed the castle.
3Hippos stormed the castle.
3Armadillo hut full of saber-toothed armadillos.One Armadillo begged another to play some game called Town of Salem, "NO!" it replied, they broke into a fight and they were no more.
1stop smashysmashy from folding. That, was a Guinness world record.
0after his stolen peephole. Frank knew the rumors of peephole thefts around the East coast, but never did he think it to be true. Frank needed to think fast before his peephole was
1and Norman herd Star Spangled Banner, "OH NO!" he thought, "THEY"RE HERE!' Norman tried to fly away but the fierce force of led pellets from the several shotguns filled his chest.
4hissed him them out of the tower. The Yankees marched to the tower surrounding the Sitcom Star, "Give up your tea! We need to throw it out the river!" But the tower crumbled,
3So Jack bought Japanese food instead. He gave up his American dignity and joined Sony in the attempt to beat Microsoft. Jack lived as a dignityless man, until dignity dust appeared
2I started to begin to speak until a skittish kitten wacked the ball of yarn bomb and she was claimed by the fiery yarn.So now the woman of my dreams is dead I sold the unicorn horn