Finished Folds (1—16)
1But the party was over for the Colonel. YouTube was everywhere, the public had seen Rumcheek's supporters comments and they were coming for him. This time is was personal.
1flew through the skies, lighting up Brad and Chad. They hadn't escaped, now they would pay for their crimes.
1meant it would all be out in the open. No one would be safe, and everyone would be safe. This is what true freedom looked like, wasn't it?
2dance, not knowing that it was going to take a very dark turn. He danced for a minute or two, amazing people with his moves, then the fluid took effect. He shook, he began to sweat
1the centre of the stage. The audience are shocked, briefly silenced, then they begin to laugh and whoop. Taking a dump was even funnier than a fart joke for eleven year olds.
1cliched! Why can't you just show everyone your face instead of staying in profile. And who's playing the theme music?" Monique had had enough. She didn't want to know the story.
2knew Adele wanted me to congratulate her on the Grammy, but I was more interested in my granny. Adele made me laugh, but granny knitted me socks.
2Either way, this was Hell. Hell with terrible food.
1So Woab took out his scissors and neatly snipped off each of the shiny buttons, put them into his pocket and walked free. It was his life, and his buttons now.
3You nod at him and wipe your face. Time to pull yourself together and catch that plane. Time to pull on your big girl pants and deal with it all, like you should have done before
4but they needed the bath, and the cherry filling meant they all smelled so much better afterwards. This was a good thing.
1Incontinence had blighted his life for such a long time. All those years in school wearing Pull-ups and meant it was hard for him to even consider becoming a knight. He'd planned
2Jumba Laya knew that he would be caught imminently. It was just a matter of time. Every death was one step closer to the chair or the injection. And hell. Candy-striped hell.
2Maggie took the knife from him and began to settle him down into his seat, hoping this time the straps would hold him and everyone would be safe. This time.
2This was deeply unsettling as her head was currently in my handbag, and her body was in the boot of my car. How could she not know she was dead? She'd never been bright, that's tru
3"It was in her emails after all!" Donald shouted. Piglet stared, puzzled at the fat man with his orange face. Pooh sighed and Eeyore sat down ready to cry again. It was time, they