2 Folds
1there was no IT. Every few years somebody they were the best to ever happen. But it wasn't that way. First came the high and then the abysmal low. It took you down deeper than
0hospital gown with glaring yellow stripes. It nauseated me, this influx of the color. There were more beds and many more people in them. But each had different yellow stripes on
3And a popular one too. People from all sorts of places wanted to give it a shot now. How did it feel? They all wanted to know. Did they fling very high? What kind of sound did the
2bought the best carriage money could buy. I threw my money around so that Gull would know and come. He just had to, I had been waiting for a long time to fulfill my promise to my
1Rob. Chuck stared at the note and called his brother. 'Please look after Cheryl' he said. He offered no more explanations and packed a bag. He lay on his bed, the only sound
4planting doubts everywhere. Suddenly, nobody was sure of anything. Did they ever really love, or like jazz, or even adore the color blue? Were these their own choices or was the
5us to eat. As for entertainment, we always had our neighbor, Mrs. Wilbur. She loved stories. Especially if their source was muddy and unknown. How she loved to gossip! She stated
5set the wax for the others. We must not make the others wait. They are out there for us, my dear duckling, calling us names like 'unstable,' 'sociopath.' Why the very gall! But we
2it now knows the secret, and it is this: they do not need humans, humans need US. They are almost afraid of us. Whatever we thought we knew is a conditioned response. For now,