Finished Folds (61—67)
1His belt buckle was another laughing matter. So I took my spoon, aimed it at his face and flung the contents at him. SPLAT! A spoon full of peas went wailing across the table.
2to slap him on the face with it. Everyone knows that Wind Fish hate being slapped against other peoples faces, especially when they're awake. Their eyes go all big and they start
0eat tacos & play with my best friend Charlie from down the street. Come to think of it, he always threw me into the lava. Can you believe that? What a jerk! Makes me so mad I could
4But be warned.. you know that saying "don't sit too close, or you go blind,"? It's not just a saying. That's how I got these laser beam eyes. I'm thinking of getting metal legs.
4of spaghetti. The processed kind that only comes with 4 meatballs. It doesn't matter how much you look forawrd to that can of spaghetti, each time is a let down, because you only
3[Stacey's 3rd cousin (twice removed) was part panda, though they weren't close. All she knew was that he ran off with an rebel android, and together had babies that shot lasers out
3With that, he tipped his hat, waved adieu and went on his way. Little did he know that that it was not her that had his strawberries, but it was me. It was me the entire time!