Finished Folds (1—20)
1Godforsaken craphole. But the lack of fresh water didn't seem to bother us, because
1make parking so much easier. They came and lifted his full-sized Sedan, and next thing he knew, his full-sized Sedan became a compact. With him still in it. He wasn't all that
3smearing smoked fish on the dismembered bodies of rabid elephants. He wasn't exactly an adept fetishist, but he did enjoy what he enjoyed, much to the chagrin of his
2into the wall. He may have been smart, but he wasn't that bright, as the door three feet to his left indicated. The barber cleared his throat, excused himself and
3Steve walked wearily down the street, his brim pulled way down low. Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, Machine guns ready to
1out of reach of the little people. For some reason, they didn't like Leprechauns around here. I lifted a bottle of swig to my lips, and asked the guy to my left to point out the
4Slap me hard. Sam wasn't the type to try this. He was more into line dancing and polka. Actually, he reminded me of that time when Al Sharpton and Chris Reeves went down to the
4place for a nice rum with eggnog. She told me 'It ain't Christmas, honey,' in that wry tone. I smirked; 'you can still ring my bells, baby.' She laughed kindheartedly as
6finally seduce that hot lady in the catsuit. She knew how to make his engines purr. He took a shot of bourbon and told the cabby
0will. You never know. That is what makes people so odd. That and
1There he was, her greatest nemesis: Lindsay Lohan, queen of all that
1infiltrated the nunnery and posed as the Mother Superior. She wasn't the most important thing to him, but she did offer
1could handle, so we added a bass-line: "If it's wetter, it's better." Suddenly, out of nowhere, the chanting thugs broke out into a chorus line, complete with
1So what if I'm spouting off the recipe for Irish rum canapes in Klingon? It's the thought that matters. No one, not even you, can
15nice things! Damn teenagers and their goats, they always have to break things! Next time I see them, I'm
1be sweet!! But that has nothing to do with the fact that parents these days have NO control over their kids. Not because they don't want to, but because
1mud. And not the good mud either. I was sure I was going to Hell for this one. Amber knew I was a tad odd, but if she only knew. I mean, c'mon I had started today with a mullet
2I would forget, but I told myself, 'one time won't hurt'. And I was right: it didn't hurt. Me. It would be for those damned gerbils though. he HATED gerbils above all else. They
2I was tempted to just bludgeon him, but that's too messy. I took a couple shots of JD, and before I knew it, I forgot what was going on. Something about .... ah who cares. A few
1Apparently, I had to shoot the teacher. Not exactly bright, am I. She wasn't exactly hard to miss either, so I readied myself. Was I ready to take a life? Yup. I took the bus