160 Folds
3consultant, I look at the raw octopus, the plate, the colorschemed, slick my hair back and let my genius
1No, not that Rome. The Rome of which I'm talking about it
2But I kept the answer to myself. If the mice could speak then that meant that
2This plan was handed down to me by a confused alcoholic
6emotions from his barbed witticism. He was a cold beast too. His dog looked at him like, "How could you?" The Labrador then clamped down on his genitals with a snarling
4went with a pimp in Vail, Colorado, and he told me how to use it. Which i did, but how did I know that I would lose it. I can't excuse it, given the choice I wouldn't choose it.
3. He sat for a moment, looking hurt and confused and not quite able to digest all this terrible news. Then he cried out: “Oh
3kept shaking his head. “No! Jesus! That’s almost too bad to believe!” Now she seemed to be jagging on the stool, and when Sven looked up his eyes were misty. Mrs. Feldman
3tank judge but the dentist blew my last gasket when he laughed, “Well goddam! What are you gonna take pictures of — nekkid horses?"
6light because it was Neon too. The two Orangutans met a guy named Jimbo in a tavern who shouted, “I’m ready for anything, by God! Anything at all. Yeah, what are you drinkin?”
3well is all that well ends. Sean wasn't impressed because he was dead.
5"sex on the beach" because this guy drank like a fish. On the scale from 1 to ten, this guy was a king salmon or a cutthroat trout. He was reel, playing for keeps with baited breat
3Two girls, aged 14 and 15, were allegedly taken from their dates by a gang of filthy
8all you like but we know that Brian Dennehy gets shot in the feet in Rambo." The teacher's hand went on her hip and the kids, well, they knew the score.
2A hoarder of mental images of Granny Smith's smooth and hard apples. They're so firm with stems you want to twist nastily. Granny Smith your apples make me want to wetly open my mo
6ations were always going off in my head. Ever since I went camping with the math teacher, well, let's just say I haven't been my
4to my life had been 17.3 pounds of hard fat around my thighs. This always made things harder.
6midget, who was like the Think from fantastic four but shorter and far more foulmouthed. Aloysius tried not to look the dirty midget in the eyes because that was like a challenge.
8sweet staircase to a humongous buzz that was part Zima and killer dank weed. This was going to be the trippiest night at the pyramids of Giza ever. But this camel, it wouldn't
4poker night at Fred's house. Barney was drunk again and had lost another shoe.