Finished Folds (21—40)
6dog finishing school, preferably one that also teaches French. Step 16. Find a millenial then find the grimiest phone booth you can. Introduce them to each other."The End is Nigh!"
3albino chinchillas. But you can't impress SImon with that! Believe me, he tried!The poor bastard was singing and dancing to "Love Shack" for 20 seconds when he got 4 red Xs.Tragic.
2scuba-diving mouse. Their wrenches were flopped on the floor without care, in the hope it was break time and their beer would soon be there. Yay! they exclaimed! And so it ends.
4of us know better than that in these dastardly times!" "Curses, you're so right!" said the caped crusader. "since the Evil Orange Overthrow no woman's reproductive rights are safe!
4meetings, but, golly gee whiz, truth be told, I'm a total fraud! Yep. Like Steve Jobs before me, I'm a great front man and I know enough tech jargon to fool even the snarkiest of
3ged I. Suddenly, mid-swirly, the thugs up and disappeared. I was alone again in the DMV bathroom. You know the one - the world famous DMV at the corner of Hurry Up and Wait.
3But, ye, verily, amid the alien request for Mountain Dew Pop-Tarts came a resounding voice from on high. Some would say it was the voice of reason. "You there!" boomed the voice. "
1gret surfacing in my throat. Damn them, and to hell with Gallagher and his many watermelons. I am not a prisoner of his mayhem. I will not be humiliated by his hammer! Tonight,
3Hour was but a joke to Madness. He twittered, "Darkest night, full moon. Midnight. LOL! Come and get me, wannabes!" He smiled at his clever challenge - this would be his finest hou
2the others would most certainly doubt his mettle. Felipe let silence fall, stared briefly into their eyes, winked, smiled and did a perfect swan dive off the top of the Birj Kalifa
4nasal passages?" The collapsed man rolled his eyes at ZAHR's request. "Sister, please," the man said. "You ain't gonna go anywhere NEAR my nasal passages, is that clear?"
4deal, but I was always cautious where penguins were concerened. "First 500K for free, eh? What's the vig?" I inquired. The penguin smiled. "Oh, let's step into my igloo and discuss
5e Centers all around the globe. But alas, people of the Undead seem to prefer the Alistair At Your Eyes Forever Five Star Hotels which are quite bewitching and now moth ball free!
2byproducts. Really. Just don't mess around with their coffee. I saw a guy try to switch his Columbian with some Folger's Crystals once and he pulled back a stump. Moo? Moo.
7might I INQUIRE...he whispered to Ralph about Beth-Anne's ponytail. "double weft?"-" "Yes" "OK, but is it Remy?" "Of course" "But! I challenge you - is it hand or-" "Hand"
3(Also very important if you were either glaucomac-ically impaired or what we used to call a "Hessian"...then you were hurtin' for certain...not unlike Burgess Meredith at the end o
7wer, and just in the nick of time, too, if you ask anyone downwind of me. Yeah, it's amazing what a good scrub once a fortnight will do for you. Less people running away, too.
4to stock up. Either that or switch to vodka. I'm in. I don't mind telling you, I would drink a gallon of vodka a day if my liver would allow it. So fingers crossed re: cider shorta
4the sound of Mrs. Butterworth's retching. Shasta spun around with a spatula and smashed Mrs. B to bits with it. "There!" she said. "Now let me eat my dam pancakes!"
2MIchael Jackson's NeverLand estate. "Well, that's actually not that odd, considering." He thought. Whether hallucination or dream, things could be worse. So, he just enjoyed it.