Finished Folds (61—80)
3around the hilt, bit down hard and tugged. "Sploosh." There was a distinct notion dawning on him that that sound was not the harbinger of good news. He pulled again. "Ker-fthtfth"
4"But ah, hell! I ain't one to let good food go to waste!" He thrust the spoon deep into his intestines, thrashing about them wildly until he got a good spoonful. Raising it to his
6adopter, was not indeed the usual A2 + B2 equals C2 type chap. In fact, this particular bean was flat out done with mathematical certiainties and equational thinking. "I am who I a
11" they moaned ironicly. "Good one." I repled unenthusiastically. "Rude!" said the Mrs, Zombie as they shuffled away. I loooked up and shouted at them, "Hey! Your STENCH is rude!"
2"Ah!" I screamed not unlike a young girl, which surprised me. Before I could get much distance the unmanned motorbike had caught up to me. "Please no!" I screamed helplessly. Vrrou
3nds of its reader. Shakespeare himself would have appreciarted the glittering monuments to the poetic art form he would see on FoildingStory. Iambic pentameter was a play thing in
2this year's election. However, the wild kingdom of mammals vs. non-mammals was rife with separatism and political unrest. Many sided with the extreme leftist aquatic types, eager t
2Mrs. Ericksson would nudge Mr. Ericksson, hoping he would do something about the constant woddpecking. He would ignore her and go back to sleep. This infuriated her. So, she decide
2Bob and Alice were their names. Everyone assumed they were fictional (because of the movie), but in fact, they existed. And the truth was, the Rottweilers were not pleased.
3most unholy, gruesome ways in which sinners were tortured and killed. " this like Tea & Cake or Death?" I asked the demon. "Why yes, yes it is!" he said."Err..cake please!'
3Their bedrooms were inside sensory deprivation chambers and their only allowed trip out of the house was to the library, where no one spoke. In extreme cases, they had to wear head
4something important, life-changing he'd always wanted to say.Now was the time. "I Slit The Sheet, The Sheet I Slit, And On The Slitted Sheet I Sit, Ya! Nailed It!" Eyes shut - coma
3She gasped in air and said, "Why you-!" Jen made a lunge for my hair but I brought the tray of mini muffins up landing square across her forehead. Blam! "Death by Dry Ass Muffins!"
3"Why?Cuz you gotta rush home in time to save the whales?" Someone retorted. No!" he said defiantly."Today is Quinoa, Kale & Kumbaya Day!Tomorrow is Macrame & Meditation! So there!"
5gerkin. "Eat up!" the Orange Buffoon barked. "After this really, really great feast I am going to show you all my Super Mario mushroom character. It's the best little guy you've ev
3aren't eye-balled as freaks & told to "go ring a bell in a clock tower somewhere."Things were going to be different. I put on my shades and beanie hat & smiled. NY, here we come!
6of spider coughing. "Bless you," said Strawberry Face. Music surged to full volume now - the soundtrack of his life. SF held his face brazenly into the wind and shouted, "Victory!"
3remembering my father's constant mantra; "never let them see your lactose intolerance!") I glanced at my family, they stared straight ahead in horror, praying silently that I would
1ought havoc to their families in the form of baseless caterwauling. Somehow the intelligence built in to the numerical representation of the song's notes were translated into 1s an
3"Quantum J-E-L-L-O Brain" they called it (until the whole Bill Cosby debacle, anyway). No, best just play dumb, he surmised. Wasn't it the human race who said, "ignorance is Bliss?