Finished Folds (1—18)
4Albuquerque at the local Los Polos Hermanos,
0could be a good idea.
3Still can't find the wet spot
1I lika to speaka to sumbooody who can speaka chinese
3He put da cat in da microwave
0and came all over my dad and my dad beat my ass up. he told me to pick up a bar of soap so i did and now I cant sit down right
0Then my dog peanut gets jealous and gives me a hand
1It sneezed and my dog peanut came inside of me and I think im Pregnant with a puppy. I shall name it Rico
0My mum puts peanut butter in my anus and my Dog licks it like a water bowl
0My mum puts peanut butter in my anus and my Dog licks it like a water bowl
1and it sneezed and my dog Peanut Butter got worried
0Because he stole 64 Chicos Tacos
0The shit literally hit the fan. Tuko isnt going to be happy
1Bog and his moose knuckle like ice cream
3Yeah, lets pretend we all do the "blue" and lick popsicles without a care in the world
0Did you steal my toaster? Hey! you steal my bloody toaster?
3So I just followed my gut and grabbed them firmly
1So I says to him, did you steal my toaster? Hey! you steal my bloody toaster?