Finished Folds (541—560)
3old man with the epithet beard could hardly believe his luck. "My magic may be failing me, but don't count out the old mortar and pestle!"
1At OWS Thanksgiving there will be a drumstick circle.
4you sneeze-gasm. Then all of the blue elves made up with the green fairies. Now, children, that concludes today's story, SNIFFLES, THE LAZY PANDA ON THE VERANDA." Go to sleep NOW!
3an OWS drum circle. Everybody wanted to know what berries Fubar used for his new dread dye job. "Hey, I'm not some panda on the veranda. I'M RIGHT HERE, MAN!" We wept together.
1their holiday candids. Those stupid bears and their pictures of yet-another-cave in the Smokies! Hoo boy - they were boring. Got nuthin' on my panda on the veranda, who's trips to
2Right, claiming that the giant panda on the veranda would not let him host anymore. The General had gone out with hi elephant gun to bag the panda, but came back with Good Humor
5panda on the veranda, if you catch my drift! Or how about some giraffe in the bath? Maybe a mairage in the garage? Oh yeah, baby.
1But what Dragul got was a panda on the veranda, and he wasn't going to let it in the house, either. The banzai bamboo garden on the balcony was just too great a risk. Dragul was
1It's not delivery, it's
2She couldn't have realized that the true damage to the candy was existential. She never thought to ask where had all the cowboys gone? The way they wielded those candy canes
1"where have all the cowboys gone?", not fulling realizing that EMO meant DYING FOR ROUGH MEN IN JEANS. Yup. The denim gets 'em every time.
3wondered where all the cowboys had gone? "They were right here a second ago" said bee number 10984.
7Why they were still doing the slide in this club was anybody's guess. "Hey ESPer, what am I THINKING?"
5boy said to her, that was her charge. Belzebub said "become CFO" and, by golly, she did it. Now Samantha missed the strip club. There she understood her role, but now
3guilt would relinquish its grasp. It was deafening. I could hardly sleep on the private jet over to the island air strip. But that archipelago WAS blocking my view of the
2tomatoes. That's when I realized i was just crow bait. I turned to Julie, our cruise director, and begged to get out of the undercover sting. "If the cows figure it out, Stubing
7had a chip on his shoulder. FryGuy had put them all on a shoestring budget. They were forced to farm out nine tenths of the operation to Cauliflower Ear.
3which turned out to be zombie chickens. Thus was born the decapitated chicken racing league. The DCRL had only one problem: finding jockeys small enough
2, when what I really wanted was granny patties! She let out a little shriek as I dragged her to the grinder. She seemed pretty resigned, however, and it made me suspicious
3"Well that depends, is it close to the beach?" After the break, we will see which condo the pharoh chooses on "House Hunters, Ancient Egypt"