Finished Folds (801—820)
4Like "Lassie meets Godzilla" or "The Day That Ended in Y". As a homocidal shut-in, unable to express my contempt for Man, Netflix was my only friend.
4What a crescendo. "on a train bound for no-where, met up with a gam-bler!!!!" ok, it sucks. But i love men with beards. Kenny Rogers and Hammerstein had sexy
5Those two things go together like basketball fans and whining about officiating...Garrett turned of the TV. "World's Worst Metaphors" just wasn't very good tonight. He opened a bot
4full of self-loathing. The group has yet to finish a full-scale tour without having a meltdown. The Oakridge Boyz II Men couldn't even
7but his GPS wasn't working and he never got there, but coincidentally hit the sleepwalker with his car. The guy went berserk and ruined the statue in
2I was surprised that most of the workshops required you to read and I just never could do that without throwing uo.
7he climbed to the top of the stage. Herman was just too literal for the music business. So he left to become a writer under the pseudonym Pee Wee Herman Hesse.
2"How about, shut up and keep shaving", said LaToya. Nick then fainted and everyone joined in shaving him.
2closed all of the Carl's Jrs, leaving some capital and this new music idea was just the ticket. But only if he could sit in with the band. Carl grabbed his sitar and
5locksmith. Instead of hair bands, they would start a craze of bands wearing overalls. Spectacular!
1They had him right where they wanted him. He on the other hand wanted to know who they thought they were. The others were just bored with the whole thing. The Borg tried to smile.
4had already set the table and so they all sat down to the mechanized meatloaf. "Beep beep boop" (or "delicious mechanized meatloaf") was heard all around. The Borg were proud.
6Space. The final frontier. The nun was now a cultural time capsule, ready to be the Earth's ambassador for any passing alien to find. Well, at least that would be true if she hadnt
1which was fine, since he was. What none of them knew was that he was also rode dolphins at a water show. On porpoise.
2and enjoy them even more when the smores are on fire. And quite a bit more when the humans are on fire too. They developed their superior technology in order to light stuff on fire
1reapply the ointment and hope the teeth return. Or maybe this was the break they were looking for! Just imagine the look on their faces when
1with the help of all the sad faces from the barber shop, the dance who's name was synomonous with the shara: bendy treacle dance. "is this all a dream", she muttered as she fell
0Newsstands had always held a special place for me, since i was raised by a family of hit men in one. Of course, i was ambivalent. Going back with this crazy request was
1As were the spikes and hot coals. Not the hot and cold moss, however. It seems that for whatever reason, most of the clients had emigrated from desert regions. Moss just won't do.
3brought in my own sushi, figuring that this was the no-no that would finally get me noticed. She took one look and asked if mind if she changed the channel on the TV. "Wasabi!" was