Finished Folds (61—66)
4"That is absolutely ridiculous," Uncle Frank gasped. "Batman wouldn't last a day in New York, he's allergic to pigeons." Pete howled and spittle flew from his lips. "Screw you, Unc
4had decided to become her nemesis, which she thought was rather pathetic as the Crow was completely incapable of withstanding LaRonda's most simple leg-lock, and his cousin George
4like chimichangas and toenail polish. The teddy bear thought this was unconstitutional, but when I began to read to him from the statutes pertaining to snack foods, he became quite
7can't stand talking to you, you're always whining about your damn eyes. What about me? If I had legs, I'd kick your ass, you pathetic old twerp." His dad was aghast
1Marko, who had a bad case of itchy bum. It was a disaster; Sid didn't have the slightest idea where to point the XT73-4, so Sylvia ended up with half a doberman and singed
4Dougie smirked. He could smell her fear, and he liked it. As he prepared to flummox the wary substitute, Tom, who thought she was totally hot, whacked him with his ruler.