Finished Folds (61—80)
5So now, Brandon's mind voices spoke in a chorus of choir songs. Simply singing out their hearts whenever they went to music festivals.
4rites filled with spirit. The sprites, completely bought out with the weapon idea, were eager to go to war for anything.
2SHEP, as he was called, was used as a SHEP scape-goat, and was given an unfair trial towards capital punishment.
3"Baaah. bah bah Baaaaaah." he said. Close to tears, I couldn't help but wimper. "Goats have such a way with words."
4"Eh, pluto?" Uranus nudged Pluto. Pluto, having become part of the conversation, gave him the cold shoulder and left the groups of planets to be a planetoid.
4at least get a legal name change so people could finally get my name right. Tomato Teresa, indeed... My name or some type of nickname?
6Chihuahuas who barked encessantly at me... wait... "I HATE CHIHUAHUAS!!" I cried in anger, throwing off the brainwashing dog scientists in a frenzy.
5And, so, after much confusion, she grabbed a mirror and shattered it, which broke the spell of the doppleganger, making the clone vanish.
4his match. On a fanfiction website, the wolf of his dreams... the alpha female werewolf with a machine gun for a leg appeared. And he no longer wanted any other woman.
4all feeling left his body, and he could feel no more. "You monster!" a child cried. "You giant of a woman murdered my father!!!"
3Where it was impossible to tell which one actually needed maternity leave, and which orangutan actually just wanted time off for booze and bananas.
2The owner raised a brow. "Ok...." Clearing his throat, the owner said, "I dub thee hence, Sir 1111!"
2Neat or not, the five could be seen no more. As it turned to the next fold. MWahahahahaahahaaha!
2swiftly with her shoe, leaving a large impact and mountain on his noggin.
8gave me a "are you kidding me?" look, but, seeing she couldn't win a stare contest with a fish, decided to chuck the creature into the water.
2bacterial infections in their eyelids. Which I thought had nothing to do with Blood Panties... until I saw the way they wore them...
3vanished. "The heck!?!" she cried. I shrugged. Oh well. Better luck on the next witch. I thought.
2knew it couldn't help as much as the french fries to abate her hunger safely. The only thing was.. the fries were never crunchy enough.
4So they made him red surgical gloves to wear everywhere he went. Perhaps then he could better disguise the blood he spilt as he performed his.. 'operations.'
1"It's okay," I soothed. "Who's to say that it isn't just a new Hybrid, anyway?"