Finished Folds (61—80)
3as to conserve paper. Recycling was very important, he believed, while walls were less so. In fact, he was so persistant in his recycling efforts that
3sputtering every time he pointed at the paper, and he found that he had no artistic talent whatsoever. In fact, his only real talent was for
4slowly ate it in front of them.
4"Four," minion number 9 responded, sadly. Now, he wouldn't be getting that promotion. Only four? The Leader would be disappointed for sure. If only he could redeem himself with
5you won't. It doesn't really matter." After taking a long drag on his shock-stick-cigar-holder, he continued, "You can't hide the Crystal Coconut from us any more than you can
5dress, and spilled into the hallway. "And I am pestellance," she admitted. It was always bad to get in a relationship with your coworkers, she reflected, but Death was so
3tastier, with a smokey flavor that reminded everyone who licked him of raspberries, for some reason. And his hair tasted like butterscotch. Mmmm... Butterscotch...
2backed into the Fry Guys, who started babbling meaninglessly, until the Hamburgler had the chance to pounce; with the aid of Wimpy, the Burger Commando never had a chance.
4groove, and you can't afford to lose the beat for even one moment. Marley had no idea what he was talking about, since he had never used his foot to
1was the sultry way she shook her mandibles, and antenae. At least, he thought they were mandibles and antenae; who knew what shrimp anatomy was called?
2dance and sing his way home. At least, that was the plot, according to Al, who Scott secretly thought was actually controlling the process all along for his own twisted
4getting lost in the forest. Smurfette never did have the best sense of direction, which I suppose made sense, as everyone knows smurf brains are made out of
2I thought, 'hey, free bullet!' Since 'free' had always been my favorite price, and about as much as I was willing to pay anyway, I had to take what I could. I suppose there were
1Easter, and they had forgotten their Easter dresses. Fortunately, they weren't Catholic; if they were, they would have been so embarrassed that they couldn't have
1Michelle said with a yawn. "Nothing ever happens here." So we did.
4was very lonely. He lived in Monster Valley, perhaps the least popular place for visitors; and so he did not get many visitors. Which was unfortunate, as he wanted desperately to
4realizing that holding a golf club in the swamp was probably not the best idea, I put it back in my golf bag, and pointed to my faithful caddy. "He did it," I claimed,
3All he had to do now was find a strangely marked sheep. Det. Manatee therefore went where every detective goes for information; the yellow pages. Under 'sheep, strange,' he found
1get a glass of cool, delicious rainwater. Unfortunately, he forgot to bring a glass, and had to make due with what he had on hand; searching his pockets, he
1I didn't stay long, though; the hum and buzz in the background irritated my ears, and made my teeth itch. After ordering my ice cream, I got up and