Finished Folds (1—9)
1He was making an inventive meal- spaghetti with a pasta sauce of his own invention. Tomatoes, beans, spices, and of course peppers. This special red pepper would have to suffice.
2beautifully. They were silky tails, clearly healthy, and Mr. and Mrs. Wolf both were very proud of their tails. They had heard that turtle soup was good for their tails- sadly, it
3Ladyhawk's lover arrived home at that time, and reunited with her so as to stop the squawking. He couldn't stand it either, which is why he left her in the first place. However, at
1tried to handle the pure awesomeness of Freddie Mercury singing "Killer Queen". Little did they know, the pterodactyl was an insane Queen fan- he immediately landed and begged for
2call in a far away land and couldn't handle the farting. The toilet really hates farts. I wish Mr. Plumber wouldn't leave at such times, but I'm afraid there's no helping it."
1The cat, being very afraid of aliens, jumped off of my shoulder and out of the window. I was alone, forced to face the oncoming UFO as it whirled towards me, faster than my
2with a disgusting stream of his urine. Mr. Chow was horrified at the audacity of Dr. Dog, and was absolutely appalled that a dog with a PhD could possibly go to such extremes in
2cried at the incredible rudeness of his companion. He vowed to get an artificial coat, and began by rolling around in mud and running through a chicken coop. Soon he was covered
3there was a terrible accident.