Finished Folds (1—5)
2Yet the witness clammed up. Their voice caught in their throat. Should they speak? Would their own words go unpunished? Witness protection? Hah. Unlikely. Words have consequences.
2she could live the rest of her days in bliss, content to be a Muppet forever. For what is it to be a muppet, but to be a puppet, and aren't we all, hoping for freedom to simply be.
5a pigeon flew down from the sky directly towards me. I thought it would hit me head on. Instead it landed on my shoulder and cooed. I shed a tear at the mystery of life.
5entry into the culture, but then I realized that was for the anime fan kids. I liked a good anime sure. I mean DeathNote? But not for this club. Here, the old ways rule."
3rumble every time I eat corned beef. Is it too salty? Is it because it is eat? I don't mind. A fresh pint of guiness makes it go down. Save the troubles on the toilet for tomorrow.