But once she walked into the light, suddenly,

  • But once she walked into the light, suddenly, she could see all.

  • This is intuitive to the rest of us. Vision works using light; without it, one cannot see. But for someone who lived in a town always in darkness, it was an exciting and profitable

  • So I profited. I exploited the natives, and tarnished the land. I displaced and I destroyed. In the end, I got to control the light. No longer was I trapped in the darkness.

  • Whatever came before was an afterthought. The only way forward was through. With great power comes great responsibility, yet I had none. Should I turn back? Should I

  • put the lime in the coconut and sake it all up? "Doctor!" I screamed into the void - but no reply came. This was more than a little disconcerting. Perhaps I should call a

  • roaming phrenologist to get a diagnosis. Once I got a diagnosis I'd have an idea what I am up against. I went to my porch to see if any roaming phrenolgists were to be found. Few

  • could comprehend the roaming phrenologist who was fed up with frenetically fending off friendly federal fencers named Fred. I asked him for the Diagnosis, but he just said "You do

  • you, boo.” I thanked him for his time and talent and tenaciously tiptoed into the torrential rain. I looked up into the sky and screamed, “I DO ME, BOO!” Just then,

  • a pigeon flew down from the sky directly towards me. I thought it would hit me head on. Instead it landed on my shoulder and cooed. I shed a tear at the mystery of life.

  • The pigeon looked at me thoughtfully and left a small deposit running down the back of my shoulder. How appropriate and apt.



  1. St.Molecule Dec 03 2024 @ 01:24

    Where is a roaming phrenologists when you really need one?

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